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home remedies for genital herpes breakout

By: RSC Editorial Team

July 3, 2023

Five Home Remedies for Genital Herpes Breakouts

If you have genital herpes, knowing you’re far from alone can be comforting. Nationally, about 12% of people aged 14 to 49 are carriers of the genital herpes virus, and many of them don’t even know they have it. That’s because genital herpes doesn’t cause outbreaks for everyone. If you’re infected, it’s possible to live your life completely unaware.

When outbreaks do crop up, though, they can be very uncomfortable. It’s easy to treat the symptoms with over-the-counter medication, but if you’d rather go all-natural, you’ll find plenty of home remedies for genital herpes breakouts to try. Not everyone's body responds the same to such remedies, so it's helpful to experiment and see which ones work for you.

Which of these home remedies work, and which are nothing more than old wives’ tales? Below, you’ll learn about legit natural remedies for genital herpes breakouts and a few tips on preventing outbreaks from happening again. In the meantime, consider the benefits of discreet STD testing to know for sure what you might have.

Understanding Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is an STD that causes painful, fluid-filled blisters called herpetic sores. Two types of herpes simplex virus (HSV) can cause genital herpes: HSV-1 and HSV-2.

HSV-2 is the variant of the virus that typically causes genital herpes. HSV-1 normally causes oral herpes, but it’s been known to cause genital herpes as well.

Genital herpes isn’t fatal but can be extremely dangerous for pregnant women. If a pregnant mom has an outbreak, her unborn baby is at risk of contracting a deadly infection. The baby could be born blind or with brain damage. Pregnant women with the virus also have a higher risk of premature labor.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) doesn’t recommend testing for herpes if you have no symptoms. Tests often throw false negatives for people without genital herpes breakout symptoms, especially if you get tested too soon after you’re infected. It takes time for HSV to build up in your body; before then, you might have an undetectable viral load.

If you suspect you have genital herpes, you may want to order same-day STD testing for your peace of mind. Rapid STD Testing offers fast, affordable testing you can order from home.

Is There a Cure for Herpes?

Unfortunately, there currently isn’t a cure for oral or genital herpes. That’s because the herpes virus is rather sneaky and insidious. It can hide in your nerve cells for a long time before activating and causing symptoms.

Even if researchers could kill some of the infection, any amount of the virus left behind would replicate and continue to cause outbreaks. To create a true cure for herpes, scientists would need to better understand the mechanism that allows the virus to hide. 

If you have an outbreak and don’t treat it, you might experience more frequent and severe outbreaks in the future.

Untreated herpes sores can cause problems for people with weak immune systems. Open sores make it easy for other viruses and bacteria to enter the body, which could lead to further infections. People who have sex during an outbreak have a higher risk of transmitting the virus and contracting other types of STDs.

If left untreated, your first genital herpes outbreak could last about 20 days. Later outbreaks are usually shorter and milder. If the symptoms are bothersome, you can ease them with natural remedies or antiviral medications, such as Acyclovir or Famciclovir.

Treating Herpes With Natural Remedies

Prescription and over-the-counter drugs can relieve herpes symptoms fairly quickly, but they’re not without risks. Some people who take Penciclovir, Valacyclovir, and other herpes drugs experience side effects, such as headaches, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

If you don’t have easy access to a pharmacy or would rather avoid meds, below are a few home remedies for genital herpes breakouts that can help you feel better. These are also great remedies for genital warts.

Cool and Warm Compresses

Cool and warm wet compresses can ease the irritation associated with a herpes outbreak. To make a warm or cold compress, simply dampen a washcloth with water and drape it over herpes lesions to relieve discomfort.

You can also try a bag filled with ice cubes. However, don’t place the bag directly on your skin because the ice can irritate lesions even more. A hand towel or other thin cloth works well as a barrier between the bag and your skin.

Saltwater compresses may also provide relief. Saltwater can dry up lesions but can also be painful if you have open sores, so use it carefully.

Organic Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil, and Sesame Oil

Coconut, jojoba, and sesame oils have proven health benefits when it comes to soothing genital herpes outbreaks. They offer anti-inflammatory properties, mild pain relief, and antimicrobial effects. Plus, they’ll make your skin feel soft and smooth.

To use these oils, add them to your food when cooking or apply them topically to affected parts of your body. If using topically, melt the oil if necessary, then allow it to cool. Soak a cotton ball in the oil and gently rub it into blisters.

Supplements and Topical Treatments

Certain supplements have shown promise as a means of easing herpes symptoms. In one study, for instance, people who took a high dose (three grams per day) of an L-lysine supplement appeared to show improvement. The amino acid lysine is essential for human health, but you can only get it through food or supplements.

Zinc has been shown to reduce the frequency of genital herpes outbreaks. In another study, patients who applied topical zinc sulfate had fewer outbreaks than those who didn’t. A zinc supplement may also help fortify your immune system, which could give your body the boost it needs to fight the virus.

Other supplements that could help include adenosine monophosphate and the amino acid arginine.

Essential Oils

Some essential oils, such as lemon balm, tea tree, and eucalyptus oil, may reduce the severity and length of outbreaks when applied to the skin. However, some oils (especially tea tree) can irritate your skin if you don’t dilute them first. To dilute, mix three drops of your preferred oil with two ounces of witch hazel.

Remedies From Your Kitchen

Apple cider vinegar has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that could ease herpes discomfort. Mix one part apple cider vinegar with three parts warm water and apply it to your skin.

Cornstarch and baking soda can ease itching. Mix a spoonful of either with a small amount of water to make a paste, then rub it into your skin.

Managing Herpes Outbreaks

Many people are upset to find out they have genital herpes after taking a test, such as our 10-panel STD test. But with proper management, you don’t have to let the virus ruin your sex life.

First things first, though: Even though it’s embarrassing, you’ll have to tell your partner you have genital herpes. That’s because they could catch the virus from you even if you don’t have symptoms.

If you’re worried about how they’ll react, explain that genital herpes is quite common and that it’s possible to prevent transmission, which means they’re not guaranteed to catch it.

To lower the chance of spreading the virus, never have sex without a condom, and don’t have sex when you’re in the middle of an outbreak.

Don’t bandage the sores during an outbreak because air allows them to heal faster. Wear loose clothes and cotton underwear. Tight clothes and nylon underwear can slow healing.

The sores can be quite itchy, but do your best not to scratch or pick at them. Doing so can slow the healing process and may even cause the sores to become infected. If you touch a sore, wash your hands well.

Start treatment as soon as you notice signs of an outbreak. The sooner you do, the faster the sores will heal. You may want to consider asking your doctor for an antiviral medication if you get particularly bad outbreaks. Sometimes, just one pill is enough to stop an outbreak in its tracks.

If you’re a woman and it hurts to urinate, try urinating in a tub filled with warm water. You can also wipe your genitals with a wet cloth after urinating to ease the stinging. Soaking in an Epsom salt bath for 10 to 20 minutes may also relieve herpes-related pain.

If you’re pregnant, tell your doctor you have genital herpes. If you have an outbreak near your due date, your doctor may need to perform a C-section to prevent your baby from contracting the virus, which could be deadly.

Genital Herpes Breakout Stages

Once you’re infected, genital herpes goes through several stages. The first is the prodrome stage. You may feel an odd itching or tingling sensation around your genitals, buttocks, lower back, thighs, or even your knees.

You might feel like you’re coming down with the flu. Symptoms could include muscle aches, fever, fatigue, headache, and swollen lymph nodes, particularly in your groin.

After this, small red blisters may appear on or around your genitals. The blisters will break and leave behind painful sores. Without treatment, these sores usually heal in six weeks or less.

Once the sores have healed, the virus moves into the latent stage, during which it travels to the base of your spine. It could remain there for weeks, months, or years without causing another outbreak. Some people never have another outbreak after the first one.

In the shedding stage, the virus activates and starts to multiply. During this stage, it can enter your semen, vaginal fluids, and saliva. You won’t have any symptoms at this point, but it’s still possible to infect others.

Preventing Recurrent Outbreaks

Going through a single herpes outbreak can be enough to know you never want another one again. Fortunately, it’s possible to limit the chance of future outbreaks by avoiding certain things that can trigger them.

One of the smartest things you can do to avoid recurrent outbreaks is to eat a healthy diet. Meals rich in vegetables, fruits, and low-fat protein will help your body perform at its best. A poor diet, on the other hand, can trigger an inflammatory response in your body that makes it easier for the virus to rear its head.

Get enough sleep, too. If you’re not sleeping well, your immune system won’t work optimally. Try sticking to a regular bedtime and avoid brightly lit screens before you hit the sack for better sleep.

Try to keep your stress level as low as you can. Too much stress is one of the top causes of herpes outbreaks. That’s because your immune system takes a hit when you’re constantly on edge.

If you’re feeling stressed, try exercising, which can improve your mood and boost your immune system. Meditation can also help relax your mind and center your thoughts.

Sex can be enjoyable, but the friction could irritate your skin and trigger an outbreak. Use a water-based lubricant to prevent irritation. Avoid oil-based lubricants, which can cause condoms to break. It’s also wise to avoid lubricants containing the spermicide nonoxynol-9, which can irritate your mucus membranes.

If you also have oral herpes, limit your time outdoors when it’s very hot, cold, or windy. Extreme temperatures have been shown to trigger outbreaks in some people.

Some things that trigger herpes outbreaks may be out of your control. For instance, if you have a weakened immune system because of chemotherapy or HIV, you might be more likely to get an outbreak.

Hormonal changes, such as those you experience during your menstrual cycle or menopause, could also trigger an outbreak. Treat your body well before and during your period to lessen the chance of another outbreak.

Order Genital Herpes Testing Online Now

Home remedies for genital herpes breakouts can help you feel better and hasten your recovery. If you’re not quite sure whether you have herpes, though, you can find out by ordering our rapid STD test. There’s no need to see a doctor to get tested, and nobody besides you will know the results. Just choose a test, visit a nearby testing center, and you’ll know whether you have genital herpes in one to two days.

Order your genital herpes test now, or call (866) 872-1888 to find a testing center near you.


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By: RSC Editorial Team
July 3, 2023

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